Fuse circuit breaker difference. Both devices can be understood as safety systems to prevent an electrical overload from causing damage both to the devices and to the electrical network. The fuses and circuit breakers are devices used in electrical circuits to interrupt the flow of electricity in case of overload. Herein main differences between fuse and circuit breaker are discussed on the basis of practical factors such as their functionality operation time mode breaking capacity representation temperature effects and applicationsthe following table covers the key differences between fuse and circuit breaker. They both are used for the safety of circuits but they have many differences.
But there is a big difference between fuse and circuit breaker ie. Fuse and circuit breakers are one of the critical components of an electrical system. On the other side the circuit breaker is an electrical device or switch that used to interrupt the supply after receiving the signal about the fault in the system. The difference between fuses and switches lies in the way they work.
We know that both fuse and circuit breaker having the same rated current say 30a will not trip when more than 30a say 32 is flowing through them. Fuse and circuit breaker are two most commonly used devices in electrical circuits. Fuse is an electrical device that melts automatically in case of current overflow to save the system. Last modified on may 11 2020 by.